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In November 2018, we collaborated with The Discovery Museum to design a week-long event to mark the 1st Centenary of the end of WW1.


We re-commissioned ‘Walter’ by Steve Byron after a previously successful run, developed a programme of workshops in partnership with The Discovery Museum’s learning team and commissioned Molly Barrett to design an immersive WW1 bunker in our rehearsal space.


The workshops were delivered in both sites (The Discovery Museum and Alphabetti Theatre) and engaged young people in heritage, drama and creative writing which explored the history of WW1 in more detail. The immersive bunker space exhibited real relics borrowed from The Discovery Museum. When arriving at the bunker visitors were encouraged to interact with the relics, guided by two actors dressed as WW1 soldiers.


Walter took place during term-time and engaged with 16 school groups throughout its run.

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Fulfilling Lives is a charity for people who have experienced homelessness, mental health issues and substance misuse. 

In 2019, we were commissioned to work with their team of support workers and experts to develop a theatre piece which would commemorate the people who had tragically lost their lives during the year, as a direct result of homelessness, mental health issues or substance misuse. 

We worked with the group over a 2-month period and developed a piece that was performed at their annual forum at the Beacon in Fenham. 



During the pandemic, like everyone, we had to find ways to adapt so that we could continue to work with our community partners. We wanted to find a way to replicate the collective experience of coming to watch a live theatre production.


Our first three projects after lockdown were ‘Listen Up’ (a series of short audio plays), ‘Listen In’ (a trio of audio plays accompanied with some visuals) and Aware (a trio of short films). We decided to host online theatre parties for a handful of community organisations to engage with the plays as part of this programme.


Over the course of 4 months, we delivered 35 online theatre parties with 6 community organisations.


Our parties have been so popular that we are looking to include an online offer to community organisations in future for those who are unable to come along in person. 


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Opening Hours 
We are open 11am - 10pm Tuesday - Friday and 11am-11pm on Saturdays

Alphabetti Theatre, St James Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom NE1 4HP


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Get in Touch

0191 261 9125. Our phone lines are open Monday to Saturday 11am-10pm.


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Good Boy Rex the Theatre Dog
Arts Council England
Community Foundation, Newcastle Culture Investment Fund Supported by Newcastle City Council
Garfiled Weston Foundation.png
The Barbour Foundation
Esmee Fairburn Foundation

With thanks to the
Fagus Anstruther Memorial Trust

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