Boho Arts present
Court In The Act
Friday 9th May 2025
Doors: 7pm
Performance: 7.30pm
Running Time: 110 minutes plus an interval
Tickets: General Admission (£10)
Concession (£7) Suitable for Over 65, Under 18, Student, Artist, Unemployment Benefit, Disability Benefit. Please note proof of concession eligibility may be asked for upon arrival at the box office. Complimentary tickets are available for PAs supporting those with access requirements.
No Questions (£3) If you can't afford any of the other tickets categories but still want to see the show then please purchase this one – no questions will be asked. Limited to 8 per gig and must be bought online.
Age Recommendation: 18+
(may contain strong language, sexual references and audience participation)
Members of the audience - it falls upon you to act as jury to try a case of murder most foul. The modus operandi, exhibit A, scene of the crime and more fictitious facts will be decided by you. The subsequent evidence will be improvised by the cast. You must then decide, beyond all reasonable doubt, if the accused is guilty, or, if the improv doesn’t fit, you must acquit!
About Boho Arts
Boho Arts is a Newcastle charity that specialises in improvisation and participation. Their School of Improv is the longest running learning and participation programme in improvisation in the UK (est. 2003) and includes Beginners Courses and Free Tasters.
Boho Arts Socials
Instagram: @bohoartsncl