On Thursday 4 June 2020 the below statement was made by the cultural sector of the North East in England.
If you would like to be added as a signee/point of contact please e-mail lucy.deprez@twmuseums.org.uk
Please note this page will not be updated immediately. This e-mail address is also only a point of contact for receiving signee requests for the list.

UPDATE 2nd July 2020
We want to acknowledge the volume of social media surrounding Tyneside Cinema in the last 7 days and the pain that is being expressed. Individuals and organisations which have signed up to the North East Culture Sector Statement in June have an obligation for public accountability on the actions they take to address racism and its deep roots. We expect Tyneside Cinema to honour this commitment, consistent with their pledge. We acknowledge the statement of the Tyneside Cinema Trustees of July 1st , their expression of sorrow and their commitment to publishing the recommendations of an independent review within 6 weeks. After conversations with Tyneside Cinema yesterday and while the independent review takes place, it has been mutually agreed that Tyneside Cinema will be removed as a signee to the North East Culture Sector statement.
We all hold one another accountable.
We, the undersigned from the cultural sector of the North East, declare that silence is not ok and silence is seen as complicity. Racism has no place in a just and humane society.
Whilst we cannot undo pain and neglect, we are calling on all of us in the arts, cultural, heritage sectors; professional and voluntary to work together to address racism and its deep roots. We must listen, have conversations and most importantly act, we know we need to do better. Everyone is part of the solution – artists, staff, trustees, partners, promoters, audiences and communities.
We want to tackle this together in sharing better understanding and practices. We stand united to bring about change in our thinking and actions as a collective of organisations and individuals.
In the weeks and months to come we will collectively act to build on this statement with concrete steps and actions to demonstrate our commitment to bringing about real change. We ask you to stand with us.
The Signees:
Alphabetti Theatre
Signee: Ali Pritchard, Artistic/Executive Director
Contact: Ali Pritchard, ali@alphabettitheatre.co.uk
Ampersand Inventions
Signees: Jonpaul Kirvan FRSA / Peter Marchal, Directors
Contact: contact@ampersandinventions.com
Anna Robinson
Contact: anna.fkrobinson@gmail.com
ARC Stockton
Signee: Annabel Turpin
Contact: Annabel.Turpin@arconline.co.uk
Stephanie Allen, Executive Director
Contact: info@artsandheritage.org.uk
Assembly Rooms Theatre Durham
Signee: Kate Barton
Contact: theatre.manager@durham.ac.uk
Signee: Liv Lorent
Contact: liv@balletlorent.com
Blowin’ A Hooley Theatre
Contact: hooleytheatre@gmail.com
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Signee: Sarah Munro, Director
Contact: Caroline Murphy, carolinem@balticmill.com
Ben Dickenson
Contact: benji.dickenson@gmail.com
Executive Producer, City of Dreams / Associate Literary Producer Alphabetti
Beverley Prevatt Goldstein
Signee: Beverley Prevatt Goldstein
Contact: beverleyprevattgoldstein@gmail.com
Signee: Bethan Kitchen, Artistic Director
Contact: bethan@brash-events.co.uk
Bridge+Tunnel Productions
Signee: Tina Gharavi, Creative Director
Contact: admin@bridgeandtunnelproductions.com
Butcher’s Dog Poetry Magazine
Dr. Jo Clement, Managing Editor
Camisado Club
Signee: Caroline Liversidge, Camisado Club
Contact: info@camisadoclub.co.uk
Centre for Life, Newcastle
Signee: Linda Conlon
Contact: Louise Richardson, louise.richardson@life.org.uk
Cobalt Studios
Contact: hello@cobaltstudios.co.uk
Company of Others
Signee: Nadia Iftkhar, Artistic Director & CEO
Contact: Nadia Iftkhar, nadia@companyofothers.org.uk
Coracle Productions
Signee: Matt Jamie, Artistic Director Contact: Coracletheatre@gmail.com
Curious Arts
Signee: Phil Douglas, Director
Contact: Ellie Puckering, ellie@curiousarts.org.uk
Curious Monkey
Signee: Amy Golding
Contact: amy@curiousmonkeytheatre.com
Creative Seed
Contact: Sandy and Garner Harris, Founding Directors
D6 Culture in Transit
Clymene Christoforou, Director
Dance City
Signee: Phil Douglas
Contact: Phil Douglas, phil.douglas@dancecity.co.uk
Degna Stone
Poet and editor
Signee: Lisette Auton, Co-founding Member
Contact: disconsortia@gmail.com
Eliot Smith Dance (ESD)
Signee: Eliot Smith, Artistic Director
Contact: eliot@eliotsmithdance.com
Elizabeth Kane
Contact: Ekvisualartist@outlook.com
Ednie Wilson
Gateway Studio CIO
Signee: Martin Hylton, Artistic Director/CEO
Contact: Martin Hylton, martin.hylton@gatewaystudioproject.co.uk
Signee: Vikas Kumar MBE, Director
Contact: Vikas Kumar, vikas@gemarts.org
Signee: Sean Burn
Contact: gobscure@posteo.net
Gosforth Civic Theatre
Contact: info@gosforthcivictheatre.co.uk
Harambee Pasadia CIC
Signee: Hannabiell Sanders
Contact: Hannabiell Sanders, harambeepasadia@gmail.com
Kitchen Zoo
Signee: Bob Nicholson
Contact: info.kitchenzoo@gmail.com
Ladies of Midnight Blue
Signee: Yilis Suriel
Contact: Yilis Suriel, yilissuriel@gmail.com
The Letter Room
Signees: Meghan Doyle and Stan Hodgson, Co-Artistic Directors
Contact: info@theletterroomtheatre.co.uk
Little Cog
Signee: Vici Wreford-Sinnott, Artistic Director
Contact: littlecog@rocketmail.com
Live Theatre
Signee: Jim Beirne, Chief Executive
Contact: joe@live.org.uk
Signee: Caroline Pearce
Contact: cp@luxicreative.co.uk
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art (MIMA)
Signee: Laura Sillars, MIMA Director and Dean of MIMA School of Art & Design
Contact: S.Pearson@tees.ac.uk
Melody Sproates
Mortal Fools
Signee: Kiz Crosbie, Artistic Director/CEO
Contact: kiz@mortalfools.org.uk
Moving Parts Arts CIO
Kerrin Tatman, Artistic Director
Contact: info@movingpartsarts.com
Debbie Taylor, Editorial Director
Contact: debbie@mslexia.co.uk
The NewBridge Project
Signee: Rebecca Huggan, Director
Contact: r.huggan@thenewbridgeproject.com
New Writing North
Claire Malcolm, Chief Executive
Contact: Claire Malcolm, office@newwritingnorth.com
Newcastles of the World
Signee: David Faulkner
Contact: newcastlesoftheworld@gmail.com
Newcastle City Council Arts Team
Signee: Cllr Ged Bell (Cabinet Member for Culture)
Contact: Jim Mawdsley, Arts and Culture Senior Advisor, Jim.Mawdsley@newcastle.gov.uk
Northern Print
Signee: Anna Wilkinson, Director
Contact: anna@northernprint.org.uk
Newcastle Theatre Royal
Signee: Philip Bernays, Chief Executive
Newcastle University
Signee: Professor Julie Sanders, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Contact: Julie.sanders@ncl.ac.uk
North East Culture Partnership
Signee: Matthew Jaratt
Contact: matthew.jarratt@neculturepartnership.co.uk
Northern Roots
Signee: Adam Collerton, Director
Contact: adam@northern-roots.org.uk
Northern Stage
Signee: Kate Denby, Executive Director
Contact: Mark Calvert, MCalvert@northernstage.co.uk
Contact: Steven Walker, Creative Director
Open Clasp
Signees: Joint Chief Executives Catrina McHugh MBE / Ellie Turner
Contacts: catrina@openclasp.org.uk, ellie@openclasp.org.uk
Signees: Jonpaul Kirvan FRSA, Paul Stone, Chris Yeats
Origin Moko Jumbies
Signee: Alan Vaughan
Contact: alanpvaughan@gmail.com
Prometheus Foundation CIC
Contact: Dot Owston
Sage Gateshead
Signee: Abigail Pogson, Director
Contact: Wendy Smith, wendy.smith@sagegateshead.com
Signee: Padma Rao
Seven Stories
Signee: John Coburn
Contact: Amanda Beckham, amanda.beckham@sevenstories.org.uk
Side By Side Arts CIC
Signee: Stuart Angus, Director
Contact: stuart@sidebysidearts.org
Skimstone Arts
Signee: Claire Webster-Saaramets, Director
Contact: Claire Webster-Saaramets, claire@skimstone.org.uk
Signees: Max Lee and Matt Antoniak, Co-directors
Summer Streets Festival
Signee: Ross Millard
Contact: hello@summerstreetsfestival.com
Streetwise Young People’s Project
Signee: Mandy Coppin (Taylor)
Sunderland Culture
Signee: Graeme Thompson
Contact: graeme.thompson@sunderland.ac.uk
Sunderland Music Hub
Signee: Lizzie Nixon
Contact: sunderland.music@togetherforchildren.org.uk
Susan Ashley
AHRC Researcher
Contact: susan.ashley@northumbria.ac.uk
Tees Valley Arts
Signee: James Beighton, Executive Director
Contact: james@teesvalleyarts.org.uk
Hullabaloo Theatre
Signees: Miranda Thain, Chief Executive & Artistic Producer
Contact : mirandathain@theatrehullabaloo.org.uk
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
Signee: Iain Watson, Director
Contact: Bill Griffiths, bill.griffiths@twmuseums.org.uk
Tyne and Wear Cultural Freelancers
Signee: Leila d’Aronville
Contact: Leila d’Aronville, Leila.daronville@gmail.com
Twisterella Festival
Signees: Andy Carr and Henry Carden
Contact: info@twisterella.co.uk
Unfolding Theatre
Signees: Michael Barrass, Alex Elliott, Garry Lydon, Annie Rigby and Luca Rutherford
Contact: annie@unfoldingtheatre.co.uk
Signee: Nikolas Barrera
Contact: nikolasbarrera@gmail.com
Voices of Virtue Gospel Choir
Signees: Mathapelo Imarhiagbe, Chinyere Igun, Glen Smiley
Waka Waka Africa North East
Signee: David Fualkner
Contact: wakawakaafricanortheast@sky.com
We Make Culture CIC
Signee: Laura Brewis, Project Director
Contact: laura@wemakeculture.co.uk
Workplace and Workplace Foundation
Signee: Miles Thurlow
Contact: miles@workplacefoundation.art
Yvette Ja Hawkins
Visual Artist
Contact: yvettehawkins@gmail.com
Added 16th June 2020:
The Common Room
Signee: Liz Mayes
Contact: Philippa.King-Williams@thecommonroom.org.uk
Cumberland Arms
Signee: Jo Hodson
Contact: Jo Hodson, info@thecumberlandarsm.co.uk
Signee: Carol Alevroyianni
Contact: calevroyianni@aol.com
Jack Drum Arts CIC
Signee: Helen Ward, Managing Director
Contact: helen@jackdrum.co.uk
Middlesbrough Council Cultural buildings
Middlesbrough Town Hall, Middlesbrough Theatre, Middlesbrough Museums
Signee: Mieka Smiles, Executive Member for Culture, Middlesbrough Council.
Contact: Mieka_Smiles@middlesbrough.gov.uk
NewcastleGateshead Initiative
Signee: Shelley Johnson
Contact: shelley.johnson@ngi.org.uk
Northern Alchemy Brewery
Signee: Andrew AItchison
Contact: andy@wearenorthernalchemy.com
The Old Coal Yard
Signee: Carl Kennedy
Contact: theoldcoalyardncl@gmail.com
On Board Arts street theatre company
Signee: Nik Alevroyiannis, Artistic Director
Contact: info@onboardarts.com
Paco Rivera, Musician
Contact: pacorivera54@hotmail.com
SALTo Arts Productions
Signee: Richard Broderick
Contact: brodsalto@gmail.com
Added 23rd June 2020
Artist Union England
Signee: Theresa Easton
Contact: theresa@artistsunionengland.org.uk
Bensham Grove
Signee: Shirley Brown, Chair
Contact: Vikas Kumar, Vice Chair, vikas@gemarts.org
Circus Central
Sarah Carrie, Operations Director
Contact: sarah@circuscentral.co.uk
Citizen Songwriters CIC
Signee: Sam Slatcher and Alex Summerson, Directors
Contact: info@citizensongwriters.org
Converge at Northumbria
Signee: Ally Hunter Byron – Coordinator
Contact: Ally2.hunter@northumbria.ac.uk
The Culture Durham Partnership
Signed by Tony Harrington, chair
Contact – tony@intheforge.com
The Cultural Spring
Signee: Emma Horsman
Dingy Butterflies CIC
Signee: Ben Jones, Founder & Director
Contact: dingybutterflies@gmail.com
East Durham Creates
Signees: Jess Hunt & Malcolm Fallow
Contact: jess.hunt@eastdurhamtrust.org.uk
Empty Shop CIC
Signatories : Carlo Viglianisi and Nick Malyan
Contact: nick@emptyshop.org
Explore Lifelong Learning
Signee: Dorothy Stainsby, Co-chair, Joseph Cowen Lifelong Learning Centre CIO
Contact: weareexplore@gmail.com
Gateshead Council
Signee: Councillor Angela Douglas, Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Leisure
Contact: EdnieWilson@Gateshead.Gov.Uk
The Invisible Labs
Signee: Bhavani Esapathi, Founding Director
Contact: bhaesa@gmail.com
Keep Our NHS Public North East (KONPNE)
Signee: Jude Letham
Katie Mitchell
Arts and Health Network, North East
Laura Fish
Writer and lecturer at Northumbria University
Louise Evan Wong
Luca Rutherford
writer + performer
Megan Brown
Dance Artist
Music Partnership North Newcastle
Signee: Georgina Biddle, Senior Specialist Music Service
Contact: georgina.bddle@newcastle.gov.uk
Network Artists North East
Signee: Jo Liddle
Contact: admin@networkartists.org.uk
Sue Ward
Contact: sue.ward@phonecoop.coop
Pippa Kyle
North East Labour History Society
Signee: David Connolly
Contact: davidconnolly124@hotmail.co.uk
LGBT and fed North East
Signee: Phil Hayden
Contact: phil.hayden100@btinternet.com
Sanjee Ratnatunga
Ideas for Change Consulting
Contact: sanjrat@yahoo.co.uk
Sensory Spaces, Newcastle
Seventeen Nineteen
Signee: Lily Daniels, Participation and Engagement Officer
Contact: ldaniels@thecct.org.uk
Show Racism the Red Card
Contact name: Justine King, Educational Coordinator
Email: justine@theredcard.org
The Poetry Book Society
Signee: Sophie O’Neill
Contact: Sophie@inpressbooks.co.uk
Sunderland Culture
Signee: Helen Connify
Tin Arts
Signee: Martin Wilson, Executive Director
Contact: martin@tinarts.co.uk
Signee: Helen Pailing
Contact: helen@varc.org.uk
Well Newcastle Gateshead
Signee: Mark Mulqueen, Programme Director
Contact: mark@bluestoneconsortium.org.uk
Added 30th June 2020
Event International
Signee: Frank Wilson
Contact: frank@eventi.co.uk
Greenfield Arts
Signee: Katy Milne
Contact: katy.milne@greenfieldschool.net
Holly Argent
Artist/ Researcher
Kusoma African Book Club
Signee: Pauline Hughes (Plummer)
Contact: pauline.sonnet@blueyonder.co.uk
North East of England African Community Association
Signee: Abdul-Aziz Kouamé
Contact: abdul.aziz.kouame@gmail.com
Northern Heartlands
Signee: Jill Cole
Contact: jill.cole@northernheartlands.org
Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne
Signee: Nick Hodgson
Contact: secretary@newcastle-antiquaries.org.uk
Signée: Caroline Afolabi-Deleu
Contact: caroline@s4a.org.uk
Sue Woolhouse MA RCA
Ouseburn Warehouse Workshops
Women Artists of the North East Library
Signee: Holly Argent, Project lead